Iomega has announced an alternative backup solution for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The device known as the Iomega SuperHero, takes the form of a normal charging dock. The major difference is the dock has an SD Card slot complete with a 4GB card. This on-board storage allows you to backup important data from your device.
When placed in the dock, your iPhone or iPod Touch will be charged, but also automatically backed up. The backup is for photographs and contacts only. Unfortunately you cannot backup any applications, music, video, SMS, Email etc. To enable the backup process, you also need an app from the App Store called SuperHero which is free. The app launches automatically when you place your device in the dock. The dock is connected directly to a power outlet and has no facility to connect to a Mac or PC should you want to sync to iTunes.
The included 4GB SD card can be replaced with a larger capacity card should you need more storage for your photos and contacts; also more than one device can be backed up to the same SD card.
The Iomega SuperHero should be available worldwide later this month for around $70 and is compatible with iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 as well the 2nd generation iPod Touch and above.
Can you see yourself using a dock like this? Is it too limited as a backup solution? Let us know in the comments!